Monday, March 2, 2009

Buy Domains

Buy Domains

Buying Domains Names
If you are planning to buy Internet domain name for your online business, there are few things that should be kept in mind during and after the procedure of domain name registration. The foremost thing that has to be thought about in the entire process is to select a domain name for your online business.

Your domain name should be the one that is short, simple, reflects the purpose of your business and easy to remember by the users. It is not necessary for your domain name to be the one similar to your company name, until the name of your business is popular enough to be known like brand name.

Stick with a .com, don't opt for .tv, .biz, or any other suffix if at all possible especially if that exact domain name is taken as a com. Now submit a list of domains to some site to search for the available domain names.

Buying domains expiring soon is often very tricky and a difficult proposition to a person, who is just entering the big and bad world of expired domain names! Finding the place where you can buy an expired domain name: Most obviously, the most famous places where you can find very good expired domain names are GoDaddy and Network Solutions.

If you are cash strapped and handicapped for a big budget expired domain name plan, then you may as well settle for decent domains expiring soon and buy something at a low price of around $100 or even less.

Experienced domain name traders always keep looking for expired domain names with a PR ranking of six and above; however, you may never see an expired domain name with a ranking higher than 7. Almost all domain name-trading portals allow you to sift and rummage through their extensive database, by setting a string of search parameters like "search by PR", "search by the age of domains" and 'search by the date". To find a decent domain name expiring, you can use the following search factors:

1. PR rating of 3 and above
2. If possible a domain name with back links and traffic

If you are lucky, some domains are available. Don't set your mind on one particular domain name. There is a way to simplify domain name selection - use software! Powerful software, such as Available Domains Pro can generate thousand of valuable domain names in a few minutes.

Fact: At any given point of time, you will find more than 100,000 domain names that are soon expiring or already expired. When you search through the database in an effective manner, you can easily shortlist some decent domain names expiring or completely expired domain names.

Once you shortlist a few number of good domains, your next task is to see whether the said domains are in a "blacklist" or if the said domains are still under Google index. Once you ascertain that you have a good list of expired domain names, you can buy and register them without wasting any time.

Once you have thought about a suitable domain name, you can move further for domain name check to see if the domain name that you are thinking about has not already been taken by anyone else. Once you have verified that your domain name is unique, do not delay the process at all and go for your domain name registration.

These services are mainly provided by the website hosting providers only along with other services, but you can also get them done through separate service providers who only register domain name. You can also consider domain name transfer, if you are not satisfied with the previous one.

A domain name that is easy to remember will have more return customers and more word of mouth advertising than domain names which are hard to spell, remember, or both. There are a lot of sites that will let you search domain names.

Another Article :

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