Friday, February 27, 2009

AdWords Campaign

Adwords Campains

Google AdWords is a great solution to market your products or services online for great quick results. An AdWords campaign can be set up within minutes and you can start making money within days. Choosing keywords for this campaign is the area you should really work hard. It has made the updating and managing of Google AdWords accounts and AdWords campaigns become very easy now. It is the answer from the Google for the need of web marketers and online advertisers.

It has brought up lot of flexibility and ease in Google AdWords management. This amazing Adwords tool is a feature that not many marketers are speaking about, in fact, I’ve not heard of any marketers speaking about it. But for those of you that know me, know that I much rather all of the Adwords Secrets were revealed.

I like you once had to struggle and find all of the secrets out the hard way, hopefully, by me showing you all of these Adwords Secrets, you wont have to go through that steep learning curve yourself.

This part is easy as pie. Login to your account
Select ‘Reports’ from the tabs near the top
Select ‘Create a new report’

OK, now that we’re inside, lets go deep
Report Type - Select ‘Search query performance.

Enter the specifics of how you want to track the search query. Let take a look at these in more detail:

Level of detail:
This section allows you to select which area you want to track. Adwords gives you four options. Ad, Ad Group, Campaign and Account. Depending on which option you choose, will determine which options you can select from drop down menus later in this section.

Note: I always separate my search network and content network in to different Adgroups. So for me, the best option here is ‘Ad Groups’, as I can focus on the Adwords Adgroups that are search network only. This allows me to run very targeted reports.

View (Unit of Time):
Simply, add the unit of time that you want to run your reports.

Date Range:
Select the date range that you want to view.

Campaigns and Ad Groups:
This is where it starts getting good. Adwords allows you to select whether you want to run the report for everything associated under the umbrella of the ‘Level of Detail (selected earlier)’. Once again, this depends on what option you selected within the ‘Level of Detail’ drop down menu.

Advanced Settings (Optional)

Add or Remove Columns:

This section basically allows you to select which areas of your Adwords campaign you want to view within the report.

Generally I tend to leave this option alone, as the default options are good enough.

Filter Your Results:

One of the things that I love about Googles Adwords is that they go out of there way to allow you to create your own customized setups, and this section really does give you complete control. E.G - only show reports that have greater than 1000 impressions.

Here is a list of the following criteria:
  • Search Query
  • Ad Distribution
  • Ad Group Status
  • Campaign Status
  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • CTR
  • Avg CPC
  • Cost
  • Avg Position
Google also allows you to select more than one filter, which means that you can have multiple filters per report.

Templates, Scheduling and Email

Name Your Report:
Simple, what do you want to call this report?

If you would like to save this as as new template then check the check box. A new template basically means that you can use this report to create another report of the back of it. E.G, you want to run the exact report but with one section different.

This can be very handy for quickly creating new reports.

Adwords report Scheduling allows you to decide how often you want your new report to run. If you decide to check this option, then Adwords will give you three options - Every Day, Every Monday, First Day of Every Month.
Once again, this allows you to create an even more targeted report. If run so many campaign, the more automated it is, the better. Simply by checking this one check box will save you having to keep coming into account and search for the report. Adwords also give you the option of attaching the report to your email as a .xml, .cvs, .csv(for excel), .tsv and .html file type. Yet another great feature from the Adwords guys.

Once you have setup your report to be exactly as you like, click on the ‘Create Report’ button to the bottom right of the screen.

Another Article :

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